This data server provides access to IUE Final Archive data, processed with the INES system. It was developed by the ESA IUE project at VILSPA and is maintained and distributed by LAEFF, the Principal Centre for INES data. LAEFF is part of the Space Science Division of CAB.
 Resources (Version 3.0)
Archive search and data retrieval
System Overview
Help Desk
Project documentation
INES Principal Centre Home Page
   (News, General Information, Usage examples ...)
[Map of IUE Observations] [Map Legend]
Figure courtesy of MAST at STScI
If you use INES data in your research, please include the following acknowledgement in any resulting publications:
"Based on INES data from the IUE satellite".
Requires Netscape 4.0+, Internet Explorer 4.0+ or similar JavaScript 1.2 compatible browser.

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Version 3.0 - June 2000